Horizon Europe is the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation for the period 2021-2027 . Following the Multiannual Financial Framework Midterm Review (MTR) decision, the indicative funding amount for Horizon Europe is EUR 93.5 billion.

- Pillar 1 – Excellent Cience. Taking a bottom-up approach, it supports frontier research and breakthrough scientific ideas (European Research Council), teams up the best researchers from Europe and beyond and equips them with skills (Marie SkłodowskaCurie Actions) and world-class research infrastructures.
- Pillar 2 - Global challenges and european industrial Competitiveness. Made up of six clusters of R&I activities, to maximise integration and complementarities across the respective thematic areas while securing high and sustainable levels of impact for the EU in relation to the resources that are expended. It is important to note the creation of European Partnerships, missions, and the inclusion of the JRC as a decision making centre. Cluster Health has a budget of 8.246M€ and aims to improve human health and wellbeing and make healthcare systems more inclusive, accessible, sustainable and resilient to cross-border health threats, demographic change and the impacts of climate change and environmental challenges. Digitalisation and new digital technologies such as AI are key to responding to these challenges, as a tool to accelerate scientific discovery for health issues.
- Pillar III – Innovative Europe. Mainly directed by the European Innovation Council (EIC), helps improving the conditions for innovators to flourish at all levels of governance (through the European Innovation Ecosystems), supports the development of innovations to address EU strategic challenges, and strengthens EU technological sovereignty, particularly in deep tech and breakthrough innovation (through the Europe Innovation Council). It also fosters innovation and entrepreneurship through better education and skills and brings innovative solutions to global challenges to the market (through the European Institute of Innovation and Technology.
While the three pillars build on each other, the ‘Widening Participation and Strengthening the ERA’ part (WIDERA), due to its cross-cutting nature, has an impact on all three pillars, which ultimately also supports the further implementation of the ERA. To increase the impact of Horizon Europe, narrow the innovation gap, and promote excellence, competitiveness and innovation across the ERA, the widening part will strengthen its links with the three pillars. Its activities will be aligned with the priorities set out in the 2021 Pact for Research and Innovation in Europe and be implemented through the ERA Policy Agenda, notably through thematic actions in areas relevant for the clusters.
Other Health initiatives
- Mission cancer has a Budget of 378,2M€ for the 2021-2023 period. Deals with improving the lives of more than 3 million people by 2030 through prevention, cure and for those affected by cancer including their families, to live longer and better. The 4 Mission objectives: 1) Understanding of cancer, 2) Prevention and early detection, 3), Diagnosis and treatment, 4) Quality of life for patients and their families.
- Innovative Health initiative (IHI) is the most important European Partnership regarding health, substituting the previous programme: Innovative Medicines Initiative, (IMI2). It is dedicated to health research and innovation between the EU and Europe’s life science industries. IHI has a total budget of €2.4 billion and is funded jointly by the EU and by industry associations representing Europe’s life science industries. The general objectives are 1) turn health research and innovation into real benefits for patients and society 2) deliver safe, effective health innovations that cover the entire spectrum of care – from prevention to diagnosis and treatment – particularly in areas where there is an unmet public health need 3) make Europe’s health industries globally competitive.
- Innovative Health initiative (IHI) is the most important European Partnership regarding health, substituting the previous programme: Innovative Medicines Initiative, (IMI2). It is dedicated to health research and innovation between the EU and Europe’s life science industries. IHI has a total budget of €2.4 billion and is funded jointly by the EU and by industry associations representing Europe’s life science industries. The general objectives are 1) turn health research and innovation into real benefits for patients and society 2) deliver safe, effective health innovations that cover the entire spectrum of care – from prevention to diagnosis and treatment – particularly in areas where there is an unmet public health need 3) make Europe’s health industries globally competitive.